Sunday, September 5, 2010

Zelda or Oregon trail?

A few winters ago Chris and I were backpacking through Mexico together. One day, I forget the town, we found some pesos on the ground, a little trail of coins. At the moment we thought how funny, backpacking is kind of like living out a game of Zelda or Final Fantasy, in that we go exploring distant lands, encounter wise local sages to ask directions or advice, have to complete tasks like stocking up on supplies or finding food, and occasionally find coins or useful trinkets along the road (or hidden in the woods, whatever).

Today I realized cycling is like living through the Oregon Trail. We have a long distance to cover very slowly, before leaving town we stock up on supplies and water, our wagons break down (popped tires), we scavenge for wild fruits, and we have to battle the elements (intense heat or rain). Instead of encountering rivers to ford we have hills to battle. (You climbed a mountain. Courtney succumbed to heat exhaustion.) And illness can suddenly take one of us out (like how the daughters always seemed to be catching cholera).

Hopefully we won't be caught by bandits or Indians!

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